Sunday, February 20, 2011

یوتوب حساب فریدام مسنجر را که پرکارترین اکانت در انتشار فیلم های داخل بوده است بسته است کمک کنید که آنرا باز کنند

Urgent: Dear Fans, please help get the Freedom Messenger 20 YouTube channel back.
Posted by admin on February 20, 2011 in Carasel, English, Uprising, Urgent 22 Comments
Dear Fans, the Freedom Messenger20 YouTube channel,The most viewed Iranian news channel in the world with over 15 million viewer, has been wrongfully deactivated on a false claim of copyright infringement. Due to the sensitivity of the uprising in Iran and lack of media, it’s important the channel is re-activated ASAP. Please help send emails and make phone calls. We hope you can help so we may continue keeping you informed. Its very Important for Iranian peoples uprising to get back this youtube channel, since many people in Iran sending their videos directly to our channel!!

youtube email:

youtube phone and fax:

Tel. 650-253-0000 Fax 650-253-0001

This is the correct address to our youtube channel that has been closed:

Sample letter to send:

Dear YouTube,

We strongly believe that the Freedom Messenger 20 Youtube channel was wrongfully deactivated based on a false claim of copyright infringement, probably because of opposition to the channel by other users. Due to the sensitive nature of the situation in the Middle East, YouTube should immediately restore the account and it should remain uninterrupted until a thorough investigation of copyright infringement can be determined. Please bring the channel up as soon as possible so we may continue spreading videos from Iran. There is no media in Iran and these videos are crucial to keep the Iranian people safe.


[Insert Name]

Email the following letter to:

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mediux said...

تو کامنتهای این پست بعضی ها زحمت کشیدن ایمیل های خوبی نوشتن برای یوتیوب
می تونید از این ها هم استفاده کنید said...

لطفا یوتیوپ قاصدان رهایی را باز کنید
آقا ما مردم ایران حق نداریم این رژیم ضد بشری را سرنگون کنیم و اتفاقاتی که در مملکتمان می افتد را بصورت فیلم داریم از کانال قاصدان رهایی نگاه می کنیم لطفا این صفحه را باز کنید

Unknown said...

بر اساس متنهای دوستان، من هم متن زیر رو جمع کردم و فرستادم

Dear YouTube,

I would like to inform you that the government of Iran is falsely claiming that the amateur videos uploaded by Iranian people are copyrighted which leads to automatic deactivation of the accounts. I strongly believe that channels like the Freedom Messenger 20 ( were wrongfully deactivated based on a false claim of copyright infringement, probably as a counter-attack by the Iranian government to prevent the spread of news from Iran during this sensitive period of unrest and government oppression.

Due to the sensitive nature of the situation in the Middle East, I appreciate if you could make sure these videos doesn't get banned by these false claims, as they are the only form of communication by Iranian citizens who risk their lives to record these videos and upload them despite the heavily restricted Internet access in Iran. Please restore these accounts and until a thorough investigation of copyright infringement can be determined and give the people the chance to continue spreading videos from Iran.

Examples of videos:

Best Regards,

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